Retail Sector (1)

Explore Pool and Hot Tub Jobs in the Retail Sector

Showcasing the variety of beautiful pool, hot tub and home spa options, retail representatives act as our window into what’s possible. Interaction and communication are at the heart of this fast-paced sector, where every day presents a new opportunity. Working a pool and hot tub job in the retail sector allows you to develop meaningful connections with clients, families and vendors while bringing the benefits of pools, hot tubs, home spas, accessories, equipment and more to potential customers.

Retail Sector

Successful retail salespeople spend time getting to know their clients, so they can recommend products and projects that will enhance their everyday routine. While the ultimate goal is closing the sale, those working jobs in the retail industry are also working to positively change lives by providing safe and relaxing aquatic spaces. Socialization doesn’t stop at the sale – you may also collaborate with construction and design crews as you embark on new projects together to create the pools, hot tubs and home spas of clients’ dreams.

There are many opportunities to grow your career in the retail sector, where you can quickly rise in the ranks from salesperson to supervisor or manager. As a representative of the pool and hot tub industry, you will forge valuable relationships and gain product expertise that will accelerate your earning potential. If you’re a people person, take the plunge and pursue a retail sector job that energizes you.

Retail Sector Traits for Success

Careers in retail require strong communication abilities and a friendly, outgoing nature to thrive. People skills are the foundation of the retail business, where relationship building is key to success. As you develop and manage your extensive sales network, you’ll lean on these skills while deepening your knowledge of the industry and learning best practices that will propel your swimming pool retail career forward.

You’ll need to embrace your creative side to present ideas and industry innovations in new, exciting ways that drive sales. Though you should be confident leading conversations, it is essential to be a good listener so you can seamlessly address the questions and concerns of clients and vendors. Management, organization and problem-solving abilities are also crucial, especially as you evolve into management roles. 

These are only a few of many skills needed to succeed in the pool and hot tub jobs in the retail sector, but the following traits are ideal to get started:

  • Charisma
  • Friendly demeanor
  • Attention to detail
  • Outgoing personality
  • Self-motivation
  • Strong listening skills

Your Retail Career Roadmap

A career in the retail sector can take you in many different directions, depending on your interests and the skills you acquire along your journey. During your job search, be sure to consider where you will shine both personally and professionally. We are here to steer you in the right direction as you develop skills, accelerate your career and ultimately, find your passion.  

Here’s a look at the typical career progression in the retail sector. Job titles and advancement opportunities will vary based on each company and individual.

Careers In Retail

Retail Career Path